SCA Name | Kingdom | Award Date  | Event | Bestowed By |
Thomas Alexander of Hastings | East | 6/17/1989 | King’s and Queen’s Fencing Champions Tourney (East) | Morguhn III and Maurya |
Seosamh Tadhg an Crúca O’Maille | East | 7/20/1991 | King’s and Queen’s Fencing Champions (East) | Randal III and Katherine II |
Dylan ap Maelgwn | East | 5/23/1992 | King’s and Queen’s Champions Tourney (East) | Ruslan and Margaret |
Danulf the Bunnycrusher | East | 7/10/1993 | King’s and Queen’s Fencing Champions, Iron Bog (East) | Tsurunaga and Genevieve |
Michael of Castle Keep | East | 12/10/1994 | King’s and Queen’s Fencing Champions, Carolingia (East) | Gregor II and Christence II |
Enrique de Valencia | East | 3/1/1997 | King’s and Queen’s Fencing Champions, Carillion (East) | Lucan III and Elspeth |
Jerryd DeWayne | East | 2/20/1999 | King & Queen’s Fencing Tourney (East) | Brion and Anna |
Dylan ap Maelgwn | East | 2/5/2000 | Market Day at Birka (East) | Lucan V and Marieke II |
Martin Quicksilver | East | 3/24/2001 | Northern Lights (East) | Andreas and Isabella |
Nigel of Castle West | East | 11/10/2001 | Hundred Minutes War (East) | Lucan VI and Yana III |
Brokk Jarlsson | East | 1/25/2003 | King’s and Queen’s Rapier Championship (East) | Andreas II and Isabella II |
Antonio Patrasso | East | 11/15/2003 | King’s and Queen’s Rapier Championships (East) | Balfar IV and Luna IV |
Pascual de la Mar | East | 1/22/2005 | King’s and Queen’s Rapier Champions (East) | Thorvald and Svava |
Jean Paul Ducasse | East | 3/4/2006 | King’s and Queen’s Rapier Championships (East) | Darius III and Roxane III |
Ian Raven of Tadcaster | East | 1/13/2007 | King’s & Queen’s Rapier Championships (East) | Lucan VII and Jana IV |
Griffith Davion | East | 1/12/2008 | King & Queen’s Fencing Champions (East) | Andreas III and Gabriella |
Caine Ramsey | East | 2/28/2009 | K&Q Fencing Championships (East) | Darius IV and Alethea |
Jean Paul Ducasse | East | 2/27/2010 | King’s & Queen’s Fencing Champions (East) | Konrad II and Brenwen II |
Griffith Davion | East | 1/22/2011 | King and Queen Rapier Champions and All Things Pointy (East) | Griffyth II and Aikaterine II |
Donovan Shinnock | East | 2/4/2012 | Kings and Queens – Rapier Champions (East) | Gregor III and Kiena |
Nathaniel Wyatt | East | 2/9/2013 | Kings and Queen’s Rapier Champions (L’Ile du Dragon Dormant (DO NOT USE)) | Edward II and Thyra |
Donovan Shinnock | East | 3/29/2014 | King and Queen’s Rapier Champion (Beyond the Mountain) | Kenric II and Avelina II |
Antonio Patrasso | East | 10/18/2014 | King and Queen’s Rapier Champions (Bhakail) | Edward III and Thyra II |
Donovan Shinnock | East | 10/10/2015 | K&Q Rapier Championships (Smoking Rocks) | Brennan II and Caoilfhionn II |
Lupold Hass von Zurich | East | 10/22/2016 | K&Q Rapier Champions (Iron Bog) | Brion III and Anna III |
Donovan Shinnock | East | 12/16/2017 | King’s and Queen’s Rapier Championship (Buckland Cross) | Ivan and Matilde |
Remy Delemontagne de Gascogne | East | 12/8/2018 | K&Q Rapier Champions (Carolingia) | Wilhelm and Vienna |
Donovan Shinnock | East | 11/2/2019 | Queen and Crown Fencing Championships (Buckland Cross) | Margarita |
Antonio Patrasso | East | 6/18/2022 | Les Beltaines (Havre des Glaces) | Ryouko’Jin I and Indrakshi I |
Millicent Rowan | East | 2/18/2023 | East Kingdom Rapier Championships (Quintavia) | Mohammad I and Corotica I |
Antonio Patrasso | East | 11/11/2023 | Kingdom Rapier Champions/Harts & Horns (Hartshorn-Dale) | Matthias and AEsa feilinn |